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I can't access internal/external ports

I have a XGS Firewall in bridge mode behind a Uniif Dream Machine. Sadly the port forwarding rules don't work and i wanted to ask if someone maybe knows why. The XGS is in the 192.168.55.x LAN and the Unifi (my main LAN with all devices) is in the 192.168.77.x LAN. Both LAN's already have access to each other and i can open some web-gui's from devices, that use the standard port (http). But if i wanna open a web-gui that uses a different port then http/https like 5001, it doesnt work internal and it neither works external. Btw I've already did the forwarding rules and opened all ports that i need for my network.

  I've configured Sophos Firewalls before, but in bridge-mode this time, it doesnt really work out. 

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  • You have a bridge mode but separate networks? 


  • We've got a Unifi Dream Machine that is our main firewall with our main network. We got multiple VLAN's with multiple internal firewall rules configurated on the Unifi. The point of the Sophos Firwall is only to improve our security thats why we have our main Firewall (Unifi) -> Bridge Mode Firewall (Sophos) -> Main Switch. The Sophos Firewall's purpose is only to improve the security thats why it is in the Bridge mode and comes after our main Firewall. 

  • We've got a Unifi Dream Machine that is our main firewall with our main network. We got multiple VLAN's with multiple internal firewall rules configurated on the Unifi. The point of the Sophos Firwall is only to improve our security thats why we have our main Firewall (Unifi) -> Bridge Mode Firewall (Sophos) -> Main Switch. The Sophos Firewall's purpose is only to improve the security thats why it is in the Bridge mode and comes after our main Firewall. 
