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Intrusion Prevention (IPS) high cpu usage - Snort


in our company we got about 60-80 users. Each department got his own vlan running over one port.

XGS2100 (SFOS 19.0.1 MR-1-Build365)

Over the year i was setting up the sopho xg and adding all Firewall rules, like all department are in one zone and got a any rule to our servers with the specific ports needed. (Each server his own rule) . I think i am about 80-85 rules now for evrything. (Yes i am using zones to group the departments atleast.)

Now most of them got ips and the other stuff activated (AV/WEB/APP/IPS/LOG) but even after using the predefined ips rule (LAN TO WAN and LAN to DMZ) in hope to reduce some stress, the cpu usage is still high.

I readed some does not use all this to lan to dmz? is that good? My thinking is, if user gets infected like over mail, and using thang a exchange vulnerability, i got atleast my sophos with ips and zero day, right?

Usally at in break times, but sometimes also between them. You can always see in the Dignostic Graph a high cpu usage. The whole network get than sloppy and sometimes disconects applications, thats hell for running teams meeting and remote sessions.

Under the command "top" i can see multiple process with snort, which has 99 cpu usage, and i see all cpu most of time at 100.

All pattern should be up to date (intervall set to high). Ips Settings max packages 8 is still there.

Now my questions:

Is our sophos to small? Frankly speaking this got worse some months ago maybe at start of september, but maybe when we got the upgrade from version 18.xx to 19.xx.

Can i optimize the ips profiles?

My problem no matter where i look i cant find a good documentation what all categories means (like misc, scan) sure i can click os-windows, or server and client.

Are "clients" only win 10 ? Or does that mean which direction the attack is happening?

If i look at the lan to wan ips template,firstly you see many entrys like OS-windows, then browser, then windows clients and then all clients?? What does that mean all clients? Why are there entries before for windows/linux if i got entry for all clients? Is there difference or is it for the purpose i use it as template and delete what i dont need?

My biggest problem right now is, that i am missing the tools to investigate further, the reporting would be usefull if you could specifc a time, but no you can always do only days.

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Parents Reply
  • So ATP basically is like Blacklist for known host, and i thought it would scan more like endpoint client would do. And ips only scan for known threats inside of the package.

    So sophos xg has no protection against new threats am i seeing this correct? Like a modifed virus/ransomware?

    Would you recommend ATP to be enabled? Or does this add load of cpu usage?
