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Sophos XGS - Can not ping WAN Alias IP


I have assigned 5 IPs to WAN interface of Sophos XGS 2100

From LAN, i can ping all these piblic IPs.

From public network, only 2 out of 5 of these IPs are pingable. 

very weird. Any idea?

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  • Hi Mook Sin Siew

    Please check if ARP is getting resolved for all 5 Alias IPs try to add all 5 Alias IPs on the WAN interface 

    From SSH run and share the output from option 4.

    console> system diagnostics utilities arp ping source <AliasIP> interface PortB <Gateway IP>


    "Sophos Partner: Networkkings Pvt Ltd".

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  • Yup working. May i know is this due to bugs in the firmware?

    Thank you for you help. 

  • Generally, it causes due to ISP router.

    It is possible that the ISP gateway may have rebooted automatically and the ARP table on the router is wiped clean. Now at this stage, the XG appliance already have an ARP entry and would not send again.

    You would need to follow two steps if necessary to maintain the ARP on the ISP gateway. 

    Connect a Common Layer 2 switch in between the WAN interface and ISP connection. If that does not work, Arp bind the MAC address with XG WAN address on the Gateway Router. 


    "Sophos Partner: Networkkings Pvt Ltd".

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • We were using Sophos UTM and switch to XGS 2 days ago. UTM don't have this issue when assign Alias IP.
    So far,  tried to connect to common layer 2 switch in between WAN and IPS connection but does not help.

    Can clarify what need to be done for "Arp bind the MAC with XG WAN address on Gateway Router?


  • We were using Sophos UTM and switch to XGS 2 days ago. UTM don't have this issue when assign Alias IP.
    So far,  tried to connect to common layer 2 switch in between WAN and IPS connection but does not help.

    Can clarify what need to be done for "Arp bind the MAC with XG WAN address on Gateway Router?

