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Problem Installation VM GX SOPHOS

Good morning everyone,
I would like to know if any of you have had the same problem I describe:
i am trying to install an VM XG machine sophos on vmware esxi version ESXi version 6.7.0 :

the first installation allowed me to access via the web gui and the initial started was successful until after 2 days suddenly the machine was not pingable and no longer accessible via GUI, by enabling the sys appliance_access enable I was able to ping it and
in https port 4444 I get permission denied.

Has anyone ever had such a problem?  I tried to reinstall the machine 2/3 times using also sf_virtual_vm7.ovf but nothing.

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Parents Reply
  • Easiest way is to give you temporary access to the LAN interface on your virtual XG and change everything from GUI.


    Sophos SG 210 with Sophos XG Home - 19.5 MR 2

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