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Sophos XG 125 Rev 3

Hello World,

Quick question. I'm looking at purchasing an Sophos XG 125 Rev 3 appliance online. This is strictly for my lab. However, I have a couple questions. 

1. Will this appliance support my Gig speed internet?

2. Will the home license work on this appliance?

3. Will I be able to run the latest Firmware 19-365?

Thank you for all responses. 

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  • Hi,

    I assume this is a second hand unit? Your home licence will work on the device, just replace the disk for an easy installation.

    Yes, you can run the latest XG version.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

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  • Thanks for the response. 

    Will this appliance support my 1gig internet connection?

    Also, which HD should I replace it with?

    Thanks for all responses

  • I don't know about the link speed, but any hard drive about 120gb will do.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Thank You for your response. I'm thinking about spending a few extra dollars and getting the XGS107 just to be on the safe side so the appliance can support my gig connection.  

  • The main benefit of the XGS series is the second 'processor'. This isn't supported in the home edition, so the software will work but you won't see the benefit.

    It depends on how sophisticated your setup is but with 'everything' on, neither Sophos is likely to support a gig connection at full speed. I had an XG230 rev 2 (latest model) at home and that would max out at about 700Mbps with all the firewall features enabled. Then again, do you actually ever use 1Gbps? What for?!

    If you are looking at second hand, don't forget the SG models (they are the same hardware as the XG models, they just had different software).

  • Thank you for your response. I will look for either XG or SG models and forget about the XGS.

    Only reason why I was hoping to get close to use the full gig speed is because in my lab I had an older CheckPoint 2800 series appliance and I was getting about 900 - 950mbps down and up. My goal was to get a Sophos appliance that will do the same. It's not a big deal. I can live with 700mbps. 

    Update - I went ahead and ordered the Sophos XG 125 Rev 3

    Again, thanks for all responses.