Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Clients don't receive an IP address from DHCP on newly created VLAN

Hi! I just created a new VLAN and DHCP server with firewall rule and clients are not able to get an IP address. My goal is to have my guest WIFI network (and if I can get this working, my IoT network) on a separate VLAN. I've restarted my switch, firewall, and DHCP server, removed and re-created everything a few times but no joy.

My newly created VLAN interface:

My new network IP host:

My newly created DHCP server on the firewall for the new VLAN:

The new firewall rule to allow traffic from the network to the WAN (placed in top position):

I have a Unifi AP connected but have also tried a wired laptop to another dedicated VLAN port on the switch with the same results: can't get an IP address

Thanks for any help!

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  • Please share a screenshot of your network topology (router/firewall, switches, clients / servers).
    Is the uplink from switch to firewall correctly tagged / untagged with the said VLAN?

    Also share informations with your interface settings - vlans, ips, ports on the firewall and switch.


    Sophos SG 210 with Sophos XG Home - 20.0 MR 1

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • looks like IP helpers are missing on the switches so the Request does not reach the Firewall. at least not on the VLAN interface.

    Restart the tcpdump for PortA without VLAN 200.

    tcpdump interface PortA  'port 67 or 68 -n

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