Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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i have configured stas in DC and after configured user and connected through STAS and no login required i have created multiple groups with user rule in sophos.when user login to system i have checked the log its showing as per created rule but after some time its changed to network based rule so the web policy not applied so if any one having any solution please help.

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  • Check the STAS logs (the STAS + EVENT logs) for the reason. Could be a number of reasons, being replaced by another account of failing the log off detection method. Either way the first place to look is in the STAS logs.


  • Check the STAS logs (the STAS + EVENT logs) for the reason. Could be a number of reasons, being replaced by another account of failing the log off detection method. Either way the first place to look is in the STAS logs.

