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Admin not available over ipsec tunnel with traffic selectors.

When setting up ipsec tunnels between various xgs we see an issue where if using tunnel interfaces with traffic selectors we cannot access the admin 4444 page from another office. SSH and ping work fine so the routes are working . If we use site to site ipsec, 4444 works fine. If we use tunnel interfaces with sd wan routes it works with any to any tunnels, just not with using the traffic selectors. Admin is access is enabled for VPN zone. SFOS 19.0.0 GA-Build317. What could be the difference?

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  • That is a known limitation with policy based VPN. If you start to use traffic selectors in the tunnel, you will start to build a policy based tunnel.

    I would not recommend to do this and stay with route based vpn. 


  • That is a known limitation with policy based VPN. If you start to use traffic selectors in the tunnel, you will start to build a policy based tunnel.

    I would not recommend to do this and stay with route based vpn. 


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