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Sophos Heartbeat - License expired (I'm an XG Home User) - Just moved to Sophos Central


I recently (today) activated the Sophos Central management of my home computer based firewall.  Oddly - now I happen to notice that the heartbeat feature is no longer available to me. (Says license expired for the Intercept X. 

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious (which is usually the case of me and Sophos) but curious if this matters. 

Additionally I am concerned that these four icons used to be green in the Control Center.  Services is orange with the Enhanced App Control and Heartbeat now showing orange. 

Likely I need a separate post as well - while I use two WAN connections and my higher speed connection works great, Sophos now says it is down (RED).  (Just odd).

Primarily interested in understanding what happened to the heartbeat feature.



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