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Failed to upgrade config from V18.5 MR3 to V19.0 GA


I was trying upgrade the firmware from V18.5 MR3 to V19.0 GA.

console showing:

Migrating config from SFOS 18.5.3 MR-3-Build408 to SFOS 19.0.0 GA-Build317
ERROR(0x03): Failed to migrated config. Load default.

logs at /log/migration.log showing:

Old version is 18.509 and currentversion is 19.003
Database is upgrading to dbv19.000
Check migration for version dbv19.000
Applying migration for version dbv19.000
1513 2022-04-28 16:54:06.370 GMTERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbldataconfig_pkey"
1513 2022-04-28 16:54:06.370 GMTDETAIL:  Key (key)=(MaxNoTables24hr_tls) already exists.
1513 2022-04-28 16:54:06.370 GMTSTATEMENT:  insert into tbldataconfig (key,value) select 'MaxNoTables24hr_tls',101 where not exists (select key from tbldataconfig where key='MaxNoTables24hr_tls' and value=101);
psql:/_conf/DB/dbv19.000/corporate.sql:327: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbldataconfig_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (key)=(MaxNoTables24hr_tls) already exists.
/bin/psql -1 -p 5432 -U pgroot -q  -d corporate -f /_conf//DB/dbv19.000/corporate.sql Failed
/bin/sh /_conf//DB/dbv19.000/ Failed
Stopping database
512 2022-04-28 16:54:07.153 GMTLOG:  received fast shutdown request
512 2022-04-28 16:54:07.153 GMTLOG:  aborting any active transactions
515 2022-04-28 16:54:07.153 GMTLOG:  shutting down
515 2022-04-28 16:54:08.067 GMTLOG:  database system is shut down
2022-04-28 16:54:08.164 GMT : Database stopped after 1 seconds exited with 1

16 May Update:

i have try re-image 18.5.3, import the same config and try upgrade to v19 again. still got same problem.

the case are opened, support still doing back-end checking. will keep updating.

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  • I'm just curious about our customers reaction... well prepared switch from UTM to XGS, all working, almost no downtime - and just a couple days later the appliance is bricked and a service technician needs to come on premise.

    But, why worry, I'm also sure they would have understood to pay for it and it's of course not the fault of the IT company...