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Cannot seem to get Application Filter Firewall rule to work correctly

So I attempted to get the application control working based on this article:   but I could not get this to work.

We have a application from Honeywell that uses multiple outgoing ports, hundreds of them with no set port range, that we need to allow outgoing access.  The application is correctly detected by Synchronized Application Control and I customized it with the full name and categorized it as general business.  I then made a Application Filter with that application in it and allowed then saved it.  Then I made a new firewall rule for it for LAN - All -> WAN - All - All Services and under the application control I put it in.  But the rule is allowing everything outgoing now.

How do I make a firewall rule allowing this application full outgoing ports without allowing anything else?

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  • Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not sure what checking the logs will do. We have 20+ firewall rules setup already and we added this at the bottom. But this rule is letting everything out, anything that doesn't match a rule above then matches this (all ports in to out) and the application part isn't doing anything. 

    Am I missing something?  Isn't the point of the firewall being able to identify applications, which it does correctly, so you can then allow or block those applications?  This seems like it should be easy since the application is already identified.