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Provide OTP One-Time Passwords in advance for users without access to Sophos Authenticator

We're enabling OTP for VPN access, and there's a group of user who either don't have access to Google / Sophos Authenticator or refuse to use it for - reasons.  It seemed that I could go into their token properties, click the plus button and get some codes new codes to give to the user in advance.  However these codes timeout just like the normal code does that you'd get with the Authenticator app.

Is there a way to generate a code that doesn't expire but can only be used once?  This may work for users who only VPN in on occasion. 


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  • The whole idea in otp is that it changes.. Check the time/timezone in the mobile phone and the xg to see if all is correct. make sure you use ntp in the time sync in the xg. and last, you have chrome addon for otp. if they have a computer, they can use it... 

  • The whole idea in otp is that it changes.. Check the time/timezone in the mobile phone and the xg to see if all is correct. make sure you use ntp in the time sync in the xg. and last, you have chrome addon for otp. if they have a computer, they can use it... 
