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Sophos Connect - Multiple Connections

Hi all,

now that SSL VPN is EOL (with a horribly short transistion period; thank you Sophos for giving us massive extra work so shortly before christmas holidays! Rage) we're facing an issue:

With SSL VPN you were able to connect to 2 or 3 SSL VPNs simultaneously by adding more TAP adapters in the system.

How can we achieve this with Sophos Connect?

For us in IT service it is essential to be able to connect to more than 1 VPN in parallel, especially in the current pandemic situation with intense home office work...


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  • Well, I wouldn't call it a workaround, more a feature that's now been dropped. Wink (see also

    You are right, I'm working for a platinum partner in Germany.

    Regarding the migration script: The problem ist not to migrate the config, but to connect to more than one of it afterwards.

  • Why not using OpenVPN for your Partner Landscape? I mean this is clearly not a scenario of a customer in the first place and OpenVPN can resolve this from the client perspective. 

    So as much as i would like to recommend Sophos Connect to be used, if you have certain special needs, there is no possibilities to implement this in the current state. 

    Could not find a single feature request for this in Sophos Connect (Most likely because only partner use this in the first place and they sticked to SSLVPN). 
