Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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LAN - LAN Traffic Filtering

Hello All,

Need help on this particular requirement. I'm having a Sophos XG106 as Local LAN Gateway and the WAN Link is terminated on the same. I want to monitor the Local LAN traffic. How to achieve this. As my understanding, LAN-LAN traffic does not come to the Firewall for same IP Subnet.

Any lead on this is welcome, Thanks

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  • With OpenWRT-based access points, I was able to block LAN-to-LAN connections between Guest WiFi clients. It has separate VLAN and zone on Sophos. Clients on the same radio cannot connect to each other with AP Isolation, while br-netfilter package lets me filter traffic on a VLAN bridge (between both radios and built-in switch).

    But this is possible in home use. Otherwise you need to monitor on switches.

  • With OpenWRT-based access points, I was able to block LAN-to-LAN connections between Guest WiFi clients. It has separate VLAN and zone on Sophos. Clients on the same radio cannot connect to each other with AP Isolation, while br-netfilter package lets me filter traffic on a VLAN bridge (between both radios and built-in switch).

    But this is possible in home use. Otherwise you need to monitor on switches.

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