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V18.5: Custom IPS Pattern cannot be added

Hi there,

I'm trying to add a custom IPS Pattern which does not work as described here: Add a custom IPS signature (

The online documentation does not says anything about   >>  ;   <<.

Can somone share a working custom IPS pattern example?

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  • Sorry Toni,

    I know about your motivation for asiking questions like this. But this does not matter. 

    I don't mean to be rude and you are really trying hard to find solutions.
    However, such questions try to distract from the original problem. We understand your motivation, not to say predicament.

    To answer your question.
    I do not miss any IPS rule at the moment. However, this does not exclude future special requirements in production environments.


  • I just want to understand, what you try to archive on this feature, as i most likely see only one use case, thats simply a alert system for future requirements of bigger customers. 

    Most customers, i saw (even in this size to have the capabilities) do not write own IPS pattern, simply because they cannot follow up with this at all. 

    The customers, able to do so, already invested in own IDS system or tap solution to find KI based anomalies. That is the reason, Sophos acquired BrainTrace.

    NDS Systems are the future of such tools, simply because its hard to keep up in a manual style with modern attacks. And to be able to find the pattern, build it yourself and maintain those pattern are simply to hard. If the customer is able to look 24/7 into the SOC bubble of twitter, you might be able to, but i assume, most customers are not. 
