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V19 EAP rumoured for October 2021

Hi folks,

some questions for those in the know

1/. will the daily reports be fixed so they cover 24 hours

2/. will the classification/category function be fixed

3/. will IPv6 be brought to IP4 parity at the very minimum in preparation for a complete so-wan function

4/. will the same device name be allowed in both ip4 and IPv6 XG dhcp servers

5/. will the same device name be allowed in multiple XG dhcp network servers

6/. Will the IPv6 dhcp assignment list show all active assigned addresses

7/. will the IPv6 dhcp assigned lists have resizable columns

my thoughts and maybe wishes.


Edited TAGs
[edited by: emmosophos at 12:07 AM (GMT -7) on 23 Jun 2022]
Parents Reply
  • V19.0 is a bigger release, therefore it takes some times to work on the Q/A and other processes, which can delay the release. As i mentioned earlier, the best way is to observe the release notes section (RSS Feed) for news. 

