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XG Reports - Where? I think I'm missing the tab

Hi all,

I bought myself an XGS87w for home with the intention of getting visibility into the traffic - volume reports and that sort of thing.

Whilst I found the current activities, and can see volume reports on the firewall rule, I'm not able to figure out where I could get something like 50GB of Netflix used this month as an example.

Having just clicked help in the GUI, I can see on this page:

that there's a Reports tab

I don't seem to have that tab:

Any idea how I get that enabled?

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  • hi,

    Zero day you need a subscription for. I would check the specifications, but suspect the xgs87 does not have the full report suite due to the size of the disk.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • The zero day is highlighted simply because that where reports should be.  fwiw I do have zero-day protection as part of the Xstream Protection bundle.

    I think it should be something like;

    Control Center

    Current Activities


    Zero-day Protection


    But reports missing.  I hope it's not disk size - that would be pretty poor for a new product Disappointed

  • Hi,

    I checked the specifications and it has a 16gb ssd which does not support much in the way of reports.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • I logged a call with support and you are, unfortunately, correct.  So freaking annoying these things aren't made clear

    Kindly note that XGS87 does not have on-box reporting and hence Report tab will not be there.
    Note: The XGS 87 and 87w do not support some advanced features like on-box reporting, dual AV scanning, WAF AV scanning and the email message transfer agent (MTA) functionality.

  • I logged a call with support and you are, unfortunately, correct.  So freaking annoying these things aren't made clear

    Kindly note that XGS87 does not have on-box reporting and hence Report tab will not be there.
    Note: The XGS 87 and 87w do not support some advanced features like on-box reporting, dual AV scanning, WAF AV scanning and the email message transfer agent (MTA) functionality.
