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Hardware Compatibility: Intel X710-T4L 10Gbe Network Adapter?

Currently running Sophos Firewall v18.5 on our own hardware with an Intel i210-T4 ethernet card. Copacetic.

My earlier question (posted this afternoon) was about 2.5Gbe compatibility. A contingent suggests biting the bullet and going to 10Gbe using an Intel X710-T4L ethernet adapter. That is 2020 vintage, and being relatively new I somehow doubt it is compatible with Sophos Firewall v18.5 ... I would be DELIGHTED to learn that it is supported.


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  • Hello,

    The Intel X710-T4L is supposed to use the NIC Driver i40e, which is currently available on v18.5 MR1.

    If someone on the Community can confirm It, I would be grateful.


    If a post solves your question use the 'Verify Answer' button.

    Ryzen 5600U + I226-V (KVM) v20 GA @ Home

    XG 115w Rev.3 8GB RAM v19.5 MR3 @ Travel Firewall

  • Prism--

    After a lengthy delay, I am finally taking delivery of an Intel X710-T4L.

    QUESTION FOR YOU: the ISO installer is v18.0-MR1 and the required i40e driver is in v18.5-MR1. Am I going to get 'stuck' because the v18.0-MR1 does not have the i40e driver, and therefore does not recongnize the X710-T4L?

    It has been a while since I did a full install to bare metal, so I do not recall when in the installation process a firmware update takes place.


  • Prism--

    After a lengthy delay, I am finally taking delivery of an Intel X710-T4L.

    QUESTION FOR YOU: the ISO installer is v18.0-MR1 and the required i40e driver is in v18.5-MR1. Am I going to get 'stuck' because the v18.0-MR1 does not have the i40e driver, and therefore does not recongnize the X710-T4L?

    It has been a while since I did a full install to bare metal, so I do not recall when in the installation process a firmware update takes place.


  • EUREKA, the X710-T4L is working!

    Mildly embarrassingly: when I created my install media ~2 weeks ago, the portal has v18.1 for download and that had the problem outlined above. Happily I re-checked the portal and found it now has v18.5 for download ... and that find the X710-T4L seamlessly.

    I am putting the NIC through its paces on my testbench, and will install it in my 'live' firewall after a banging on it bit.
