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vpn ssl site to site sophos xg without public ip


I have a question, currently, we have two firewalls, but we don't have Public IP, I mean we have internet with Private IP.

We want to know how to connect both appliances through SSL VPN SITE TO SITE , it is possible?

Thanks for your time and support

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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Hi ,

    Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to the Community! 

    If you want to configure SSL site to site VPN then at least one firewall needs a public IP address and you could configure it as a server.


  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Hi ,

    Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to the Community! 

    If you want to configure SSL site to site VPN then at least one firewall needs a public IP address and you could configure it as a server.

