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XG Feature Requests: LAN IP as Listening Interface is Site to Site VPN & User Authentication on Wireless Hotspots


Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with the below issues in UTM to XG migration:

1.) For business customers who would like the additional security of ensuring their data is encrypted while being transported over leased circuits it was great to have the ability to setup a vpn between two sites connected by a dedicated private link. This feature is available with UTM but not with XG.

2.) For business customers who would appreciate the ability to provide wifi access to internal network resources, the ability to provide a hotspot capture portal which supported backend user authentication was a great option. This feature is available in UTM but not in XG.

What would be required for these features to be added? I'm certain that these features are used by a large number of your customer user base.

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  • Whats the peer device? Because you can use RED instead of IPsec on all interfaces. This feature request is  currently under review to implement. 

    Hotspot is rather a less frequently asked feature from my point of view. Do you use Sophos Access Points? Try to look into Central Wireless, there are advanced Hotspot features like Facebook login etc. 


  • The Peer is a UTM device. Where can I see all features under review to implement?

    Thanks for the advice on Central Wireless, I will look this up.

    I also noticed that when you set up a wireless using WPA2-PSK on XG it does not support certain characters used in the PSK. I have identified two characters thus far:  \  and  ' 

    Using either of these results in a \ being added to the PSK directly after character.

  • You can use the RED site to site with XG to SG. That would be the same mechanism like a route based VPN. 


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