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Webadmin Certificate Error NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

On my windows machine I have installed the "Default" CA as well as the Appliance certificate (which I am also using for SSL/TLS inspection and SSLVPN).

When I try to go to the IP address of the firewall I get this error: NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

Here are the configs for the Default CA (which I edited with my company info):

/C=US/ST=NY/L=New York/O=<Company>/OU=IT/CN=<FW Internal IP>/emailAddress=<IT Email>

Here are the configs for the Sophos Appliance Certificate:

C=GB/ST=Oxfordshire/O=Sophos/OU=NSG/CN=Sophos SSL CA_MgWOeELjwVbhjqV/

I'm stuck and not sure what to do! Please let me know what other info is needed to shed some light on this.

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