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Intermittent VPN Issues


One of our users has reported being unable to access one of the servers over the VPN, but only intermittently.

When they tried to ping the server they got "Request timed out" but soon after it started working again. I replicated this and saw two timeouts followed by successful replies. After this the connection will be stable for some time before it happens again.

Pinging *.*.*.* with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from *.*.*.*: bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=63
Reply from *.*.*.*: bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=63

I cannot see any sign of ICMP being blocked in the firewall log but I have seen some "Invalid Traffic" entries around the time that they reported the problem. The message is simply "Invalid packet.". I note that there is another entry with exactly the same source and destination port soon after where the traffic is allowed.

I would appreciate any suggestions for debugging this.



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