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Sophos XG115 IPSEC site-to-site VPN to PFSense - getting error IPSec Deny Session creating local authentication data failed


I'm attempting to setup an IPSEC site-to-site VPN between a Sophos XG115 and PFSense v2.5.1.

My setup is:

Site1: Sophos XG115>Lan

Site2: Internet Router(TPLink Archver vr1600v>(Port Forwarding 50, 500,4500)>PFSense>Lan

I followed this guide:

The only additional changes I made was on the PFSense side, I changed the Phase1 key life to 5400 to match the default IKE2 policy on the XG115.

When I enable the IPSEC VPN, on the Sophos side and try to connect I get this error: IPSec Deny Session creating local authentication data failed

I realized I had a previous IPSEC VPN setup in the Sophos with the same default local ID so I removed this in case it was interfering. But I still get the same error.

Do I need to set the Local ID on both sides for this error? If so, what should I set it to? Or is this error related to something else do you think?

Any troubleshooting steps would be most welcome.

Kind regards


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