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Solved: 2 Access Point APX 320 are inactive

Hello Community,

Today on one of our firewalls all (2 pieces) APX320 failed at the same time. The firewall (XG125) shows both APs as "inactive". Restarting the APs did not change anything.
In the awed.log I see these entries:

2021-04-09 12:13:21 [MASTER] access point firmware available: AP55C:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b AP50:9500-wifi-88782b0d17-33af57b APX120:11.0.014-1 AP55:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b AP100X:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b AP15:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b AP10:9500-wifi-88782b0d17-33af57b APX740:11.0.014-1 AP100:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b red60:1 AP30:9500-wifi-88782b0d17-33af57b AP15C:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b RED15w:1 red20:1 AP100C:9500-wifi-0c67c7fe-33af57b APX320:11.0.014-1 APX530:11.0.014-1
2021-04-09 12:13:22 DIE --------------------------------------------------------
2021-04-09 12:13:22 JSON error at line 1, byte 1/44: Unexpected character 'A' parsing initial state: expecting whitespace: '\n', '\r', '\t', ' ' or start of string: '"' or digit: '0-9' or minus: '-' or start of an array or object: '{', '[' or start of literal: 't', 'f', 'n' at /lib32/perl/site_perl/5.20.1/JSON/ line 69.
2021-04-09 12:13:22 1 (eval)
2021-04-09 12:13:22 2 JSON::Parse::valid_json
2021-04-09 12:13:22 3 CSC::API::exec_opcode
2021-04-09 12:13:22 4 main::get_firmware_versions
2021-04-09 12:13:22 [MASTER] AP firmware info updated successfully in DB.
2021-04-09 12:13:24 [MASTER] start processing configuration change
2021-04-09 12:13:29 [MASTER] end processing configuration change

After that I restarted the firewall without changing anything. The firewall was running MR4 firmware, which I upgraded to MR5. This has not changed either.
What is broken in the JSON file and how can I fix it?



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