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Firewall XG-115w not reachable per LAN, WAN and WLAN

Dear Forum,

i have a very big Problem with the Firewall XG-115W, SFOS 18.0.4 MR-4.

After a view hours, the firewall is not reachable through LAN, WAN and WLAN. The Firewall is not answering to ping, the WLAN Network is not shown in the WLAN Network List of my Computer.

The Lamps on the Network Connection is light continuously.  The blue activity lamp of the Firewall is permanently off in this Situation.

Just a hard reset, power off an on, will function.

Sophos Support just sends my a new Firewall via RMA. But both Firewalls have the same problem.

I just set the Firewall to factory default and install my backup. I have changed the power Supply.

I have checked the Log-Files, but I found nothing to localize the Problem.

What else I can do? Have andybody any Idea?

Please excuse my English Blush


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