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XG SSL VPN not able to connect to internet

I have setup the VPN configuration per one of tutorials. I am able to get a SSL VPN to connect via iPhone and a tablet. 

I have the option to use the default gateway under tunnel access.

I can ping devices on my network. I am not able to access the internet. Is there another setting I need to change or a FW rule I should setup?

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  • If you are routing all traffic through the VPN you need to add the VPN network on your Internet Firewall Rule and NATing needs to work for this network. As far as I can see from your screenshot you are using this mode. 

    Another solution would be to use split tunnel and define the subnets you want to route through the tunnel and use a the local breakout for internet access. Switch the default gateway off and enter the Permittet IPv4 oder IPv6 Networks. It might be necessary to restart the service and/or download the VPN configuration again from the user portal after this change.

  • I have the VPN network setup on a FW rule. How do I add the NATing?

    FW rule for VPN access

    I added a FW rule to allow traffic to the WAN zone. Don't know if this is needed or if it is setup correctly. Any help would be appreciated.

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