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Can you select which pattern updates are downloaded automatically?

Hello All,

We have a number of XG firewalls connected to very low bandwidth / high latency WAN connections.

Is it possible to select which pattern modules are updated automatically?  We only need IPS and Application signatures to stay up to date.



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  • Not a direct answer to your question but would it help if you could schedule the updates out of hours?

    ATM you can't do that either but their is a fudge that can achieve this. If you set updates to every 24 hours and then reboot the XG outside work hours, the updates take place 24 hours after the reboot (and every 24 hours after that). At least you can then save your bandwidth during working hours.

  • Not a direct answer to your question but would it help if you could schedule the updates out of hours?

    ATM you can't do that either but their is a fudge that can achieve this. If you set updates to every 24 hours and then reboot the XG outside work hours, the updates take place 24 hours after the reboot (and every 24 hours after that). At least you can then save your bandwidth during working hours.
