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Disable RAM check in XG v18 installation

I have a mobo with *EXACTLY* 4GB installed. Since the BIOS is using like 64mb for its internal affairs, it causes the system to go slightly below 4GB, thus failing the pre-installation check.

Since I don't think the system are going to croak because like 64mb is missing from the 4GB lower limit, is it possible to in some way force installation? Ergo "I really really really want to continue even if it may not function propely"?

Maybe the installation should be set to require 3.5 GB ram instead? That will in most cases mean you need 4 GB, but its OK if the BIOS uses a small chunk of it for its internal affairs.

The machine in question is an ASG 425 rev 3.0. Maybe its possible to upgrade it to 8 gb (license allows 6 gb). But I don't know if the mobo supports it, and if it support ECC reg or not.

There are 4gb DDR 2 sticks available, and looking up the core2duo processor on ARK INTEL says the processor supports up to 8gb ECC, but maybe the BIOS or mobo doesn't?

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