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Scan IMAPS & SMTPS issues with Apple Mail

I've been running with SSL/TLS decryption and scanning disabled for several months based on issues it was causing with Apple Mail. This was a known issue that was supposedly fixed in Sophos XG 18.0.1. I just enabled it again hoping it would be fixed but I'm still having issues where it will not connect via IMAPS or SMTPS. Sometimes it will work on my iOS devices but on my Apple iMac using the Mail app, it seems to be completely broken.

I do have the Sophos certificates installed as root (I have no issues browsing the web or making HTTPS connections) on all my devices and I'm running Sophos XG 18.0.3.

Anyone else running IMAPS and SMTPS scanning without issues in Apple Mail?

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  • Hi Shred,

    there is an outstanding NUC or whatever for the issue. When the next fix is released I will try again with my iPhone and iPad. As I advised SMTPS scanning works on mac mini, iPhone and iPad and also my wife's 2014 MBP running Big Sur just not iMaps. You can configure the XG to do the scanning and the mac mail works for about 30 minutes then throws up trust errors and on DPI just breaks all mail connections.


    Like you, I have no problems with https scanning and decrypt functions, though on the iPhone and iPad I ave had to create exceptions for some strange reason the apps work in the mini but not on the IOS devices.

    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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