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Sophos XG issues with Insteon Hub

I have been using the UTM for years and recently upgraded to the XG due to my license count quickly approaching 50...

Everything has been fine on XG and I have even noticed much better performance, particularly wireless.

Reason for my post is I noticed that my Insteon Hub which controls my smart light switches and various other smart devices is unable to connect to it's cloud service. I did not have to create any rules previously in UTM and there are minimal entries in the XG log all being allowed so I am really at a loss here and hoping someone else has already encountered this.

Any help would be appreciated (I am running v18.0.3)

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  • Is there any Internet to Smart Device access required? If yes, you would need a Firewall rule with NAT from WAN to Smart Devices, too.

    If only the outgoing connection fails - I would suggest to create a basic allow any rule for the devices from LAN to WAN as mentioned by . If you have enabled WebProxy, make Exception for HTTPS inspection for the Insteon Cloud Servers.

  • I have tried both of the following to no avail, I can see in the log viewer that Denies are happening with Rule type 0 for "Invalid Packet" and "Invalid TCP state" and then the next entry will be the same IPs and ports and be Allowed which is very confusing...

    Guess I am heading back to UTM as firewall / NAT rules are a mess in XG...

  • Hi,

    from what you are saying is that your UTM does not have any tight firewall rules.

    From your description of the logviewer issue indicates that your device is not matching any firewall rule. Did you review the logviewer web report?


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • also possible that masquerading to the internet is missing.

    Please do a packet capture in GUI / Diagnostics for this traffic and share as table here. This is always helpful to see rules, interfaces and NAT applied (or not).

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