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17.5.14 MR-14-1 to 18.0.3 MR-3 failed

I have a Sophos XG Home box and I'm trying to do the upgrade. The console just hangs for a while trying to book the 18.03 image and then reboots to the 17.5 image. I have tried a few times and just get the same result. I sits there for at least five minutes trying to boot the 18.03 image with no errors showing on the screen. I can't find any error messages and, as I said, none show up on the screen. The box has 8GB of RAM and just an old Dell i5 machine I'm re-purposing. I wish I could give more info but I've searched through the logs and don't see anything related to the upgrade.

Any help would be appreciated. Even if it's pointing me to a log file I can review.


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Parents Reply
  • If you want a "quick and dirty" solution, simply reinstall the VM with a Rufus Stick and import your V17.5 backup. 

    If you want to investigate this further, we would need to get the outprint of this reboot. Because it should show a interrupt reason. 


  • I'm not running it in a VM, it's on a physical box. I could reimage the box and apply my backup. I guess that would work but I'm not sure. I honestly don't have a lot of config on it with the exception of the VPN.

    Regarding your reference to Rufus, I usually use Etcher to burn USB drives since I've got mostly Linux boxes. I do have one Windows PC but just because you always need one for stuff that comes up.

    I appreciate your help and would love to get the output of the reboot. That's why I was asking about the log files because nothing shows up on the console. If there's another log file or any other output I could share, I'd be glad to do that.
