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Sophos XG 18 MR3 DPI slow download

Hi all,

after going from decrypting HTTPS traffic by proxy to the dpi engine my download performance dropped massivly.

I am on a SG 230 hardware where the XG 18 MR3 is installed on.

Taking the same side downloading an ISO file via HTTPS with proxy and SSL decryption a get 100mbit/s troughput which is the max of my internet connection.

switching to DPI I get arround 16mbit/s. If a start a second, third download an so on I can max out my internet connection.

switching back and forth between proxy and dpi I can always reproduce this.

this happens only to HTTPS sessions with DPI turned on.

The load on the FW is never higher than 20% while testing.

Could there be an issue that DPI is somehow limiing the throughput within a session? No QoS is defined...

I tried different DPI policies and nothing changed the behavior.

Thanks for your help


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  • Hi, i have the same problem. My internetconnection has 250Mbit. With DPI on, i get round about 50Mbit...

    The strange thing, if i turn DPI off, i get 250 Mbit again. If i turn on DPI again, i get still 250 Mbit. But after serveral hours it falls at 50 Mbit and stucks there.

    Until i switch off DPI again

  • Hi, i have the same problem. My internetconnection has 250Mbit. With DPI on, i get round about 50Mbit...

    The strange thing, if i turn DPI off, i get 250 Mbit again. If i turn on DPI again, i get still 250 Mbit. But after serveral hours it falls at 50 Mbit and stucks there.

    Until i switch off DPI again
