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XG DHCP Server Assign IP to multiple subnets from one interface

Hello everyone. First, sorry if this is double post, but i could only find one with similar subject ( and there's not really a solution in there.

Let me explain my network first: I have multiple LANs connected to my XG Firewall (in building 1), two WANs and one virtual interface (7.200) connected to another building (building 2) via MACRO LAN. That building 2 has multiple VLANS (differents from the other buildings) and all the traffic is redirected to my XG Firewall in the building 1. I have an interface (which has an internal IP address to the other end) which is where I get all the traffic from there.

My question is: how can I assign dynamically and ip address to the different subnets in the building 2 if I only have one interface to handle all the traffic from there? In addition, the interface does not have IP of any of the subnets there.

Thank you for your time.I hope it was understood.



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  • Hi Ian,

    What you mean extend the VLANs to the XG? The problem is that the gateways from the subnets that i want to assign the ip dinamically dont be managed in the XG itself, but in the router (no managed) on the building 2. That router sends all the traffic from the building 2 to 1, to one single interface.

    I have a post answering Lucar. Please consult it if you want further information.

    Thank you for the help and your time.

    Have a nice day