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  • This is still an issue there are too many services using http pipelined connections to ignore it.

    Official Sophos response, http pipelined is not an issue and is not supported because nobody uses it.

    Now microsoft joins to netflix and many other companies that are already using it. Maybe someday Sophos XG will block windows updates and still won't be an issue.

  • Even in my environment, there are logs with the reason "HTTP pipelined request encountered."

    http: //
    https: //
    They all seem to be using Akamai. It may not matter.

    User Agent
    Firefox 84.0
    Safari 14.0.2

  • Even in my environment, there are logs with the reason "HTTP pipelined request encountered."

    http: //
    https: //
    They all seem to be using Akamai. It may not matter.

    User Agent
    Firefox 84.0
    Safari 14.0.2

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