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Unusual traffic appearing in default Drop rule

Recently deployed XG in my network and i'm noticing unusual traffic from the "Drop  ANY to WAN" rule that i really cannot explain. it appears the SRC IP is a public ip that i dont know and the DST IP is also an IP that i dont  know , so it would mean its trying a "WAN TO  WAN" connection which i do not understand, where is it coming from and where its going, and why is it trying to route via my network. I've attached a screenshot from the log viewer. Its just one of the many attempts.

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  • apologies for delayed response, have been away from a computer.  I just took a look at my wan access rules, there's one that i'm suspicious about on port 8:1 

    Its actually a business application rule allowing  AnyZone ,Anyhost forwarding to  web server. Its also an attempt at a loopback to allow internal clients.