Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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DHCP Relay over Routing-Based IPsec in SFOS 18.0.1 not working

On an XG 135 with SFOS 18.0.1 the DHCP relay over a Routing-Based IPsec tunnel is not working.

System traffic over the IPsec is working. Firewall authentication on the Active Directory servers behind the same IPsec tunnel is working.
Those same Active Directory servers are also the DHCP servers.

DHCP packets are received by the LAN port (can be seen both on the packet catpure and the TCPDUMP) but the traffic is not routed through the IPsec tunnel.
Packet capture reports "ACL 

Firewall rule allowing any/any to DHCP servers is in place.

DHCP service of the firewall is working and firewall is providing DHCP addresses.

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