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Need help to fix Port forward UDP from external to Internal Server Different ports (port Translation)

My setup.


External need to access Internal Server, UDP port 12345.


I created a Firewall Rule first:


Named the Rule, Rule group (Traffic to Internal Zones)

Action: Accept

Source zones: Any     Source networks and devices: Any     During scheduled time:  All the time

Destination zones: LAN     Destination networks:  #Port1 (my port connected to internal network)     Services:  deluge udp (Protocol UDP/ Source port 1:65535  Destination port:  12345)

Nothing selected in Match known users, web filtering, App Control, and IPS


I created a NAT Rule:

Named the rule

Original Source: #Port2 (where my modem / Internet source is connected)     Original Destination:  Local subnet ( with subnet /24)     Original service:  UDP

Translated source (SNAT):  Original     Translated destination (DNAT):  Server (IP Address of my server)     Translated service (PAT):  deluge UDP (Protocol UDP/ Source port 1:65536  Destination port:  12345)

Interface matching criteria left as is:  Inbound interface:  Any     Outbound Interface:  Any


When I check from, and check port 12345, it says it cannot see the service on MyPublicAddressHere).

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  • Hi,

    please try changing your source port to WAN.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • Hi.  Changed my Source to WAN in Firewall Rule.  Didn't change anything in DNAT.  

    Same result.  



    Update!  I got it to work by watching this video, but somewhat :D


    First, I did change Source to WAN.  Also changed Destination networks to #Port2 (port connected to WAN)

    Second, Went to NAT Rule, and changed source to Any, Original destination as #Port2. 


    When I tested this, still failed.


    I somehow remembered I've tried changing UDP to TCP before, in XG v.17.  I tried changing everything to TCP, and I was 'seen' from outside.

    I know both needs  to be open.  Does this mean TCP allows you to be seen from outside?  And UDP is needed from the inside?  

  • Why are you working with PAT here? You only need PAT when the destination port on LAN/DMZ differs from the port adressed on the Internet, e.g. port 10080 translating to real port 80 of a Webserver. It makes no difference which protocol stack (TCP/UDP) is used. So if the service on the local server is adressed as UDP12345 the port on the internet will be UDP12345 as well unleast you don‘t want to have the external to access UDP23456 which then will be translated to UDP12345 while NAT-ing. Normally you only do PAT if the original service is allready in use for something else, It is no security plus to change only the external reachable port.


    I believe the failure is the firewall rule here. You there have to allow source and destination PRE-NAT. To continue with my example above where the port will be changed in NAT the firewall rule has to be: Source:WAN, network ANY (unless the external allways comes from the same IP), destination Port or Alias that has the adressed external IP, service UDP23456.

    At least this is how NAT and firewall work together since XG v18.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner

  • Why are you working with PAT here? You only need PAT when the destination port on LAN/DMZ differs from the port adressed on the Internet, e.g. port 10080 translating to real port 80 of a Webserver. It makes no difference which protocol stack (TCP/UDP) is used. So if the service on the local server is adressed as UDP12345 the port on the internet will be UDP12345 as well unleast you don‘t want to have the external to access UDP23456 which then will be translated to UDP12345 while NAT-ing. Normally you only do PAT if the original service is allready in use for something else, It is no security plus to change only the external reachable port.


    I believe the failure is the firewall rule here. You there have to allow source and destination PRE-NAT. To continue with my example above where the port will be changed in NAT the firewall rule has to be: Source:WAN, network ANY (unless the external allways comes from the same IP), destination Port or Alias that has the adressed external IP, service UDP23456.

    At least this is how NAT and firewall work together since XG v18.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner

  • Hi  

    You'll see I updated my post earlier, cause I just got it to work.  

    By getting it to work, I mean the port 12345 is 'seen' as open from outside.  I used


    But come to think of it, your question did remind me of something.  You are right.  I wanted to open ports, and allow it to pass through, but to a specific docker app, that is accessible through IP Address, and port number.  My Server hosts a lot of docker apps.  The Server has a fixed Internal IP Address.  It hosts several docker apps on bridge mode, therefore, each docker app is also using the same IP Address as the server.  Though it's accessible using different ports, e.g. gives me web interface of app 1. gives me web interface of app2.  I'd like traffic to TCP port 12345 to be direct traffic to Server IP address port 7777. 

    I've done this in V17.  Don't know how to do it in V18. 

  • Hi.  Any ideas on this?  

    Not sure if I have to narrate it once again, I'll try to be clearer.  Maybe it will help explain the need.

    I am using Unraid NAS.  It allows me to use Docker containers.  My NAS has an IP of  When I created Docker containers, it also retains IP address of NAS.  I get to access the Docker containers via NAS_IP_address:8112 (Deluge torrent client).  Deluge requires at least one port open for TCP and UDP to allow incoming connections for seeding.  Though I prefer maybe 5 ports per TCP and 5 for UDP.  I want the traffic to be able to go through to Deluge Docker container only.  And for that container to be able to seed properly.

    There are other containers that require opening up of ports as well.  I'll give the scenario of Syncthing (Torrent p2p client).  To be able to access this Docker container, I use NAS_IP_address:8384.  This particular container requires TCP port 22000 to be open, to be discoverable by remote Syncthing client, UDP as well.  As in the case above, I want only Syncthing to have it's TCP port 22000 open.  

    With version 18 of Sophos XG, how do you open ports/ port forward given the scenario above.

  • Does this Post help?


    Because assuming your Firewall Rule or your NAT rule is not matching, this will not work. 


  •  to be honest, I've read it over and over.  But since I'm talking about containers, I don't know how specifically to forward it to the Docker container itself, and not just the NAS.  I don't want all Docker containers to be exposed.  

  • As XG can only difference between the IP and the Port, the basics of networking will give you the option to forward a certain Port or everything to a certain IP.

    In Docker, you can give a container a own IP alias, which you could expose, if you like.

    That is more likely a docker question, how to do this. 

    I am kinda confused about the statement, you got this running in V17 and not in V18, as the basics behind this never change. 


  • Actuallly, I was also thinking it may be the only solution for now on the XG v18.  Each Docker container get their own IP.  I hope others can share if they know anything else better.


    For v18, I used server access assistant, to create a DNAT rule.  

    Internal (NAS IP) External (port 2) Services Deluge TCP 12345 (I created this one)  External source ANY  


    In Deluge TCP, Protocol TCP  Source POrt 1:65535  Destination port  12345

    When I check open ports using canyouseeme, it says port 12345 is open.

    In above scenario, which container gets traffic from port 12345?  All the Docker apps as they all have the same NAS_IP_address?


    In v17, I think I have something like this in DNAT

    Source WAN, Network, ANY, All the time

    Destination:  WAN, Services:  TCP 12345

    Protected Servers:  NAS. Port I have 8112 (the container port for me to access Deluge).


    Both scenario says port is open, but not sure if doing it right.


    What about PAT?  Is this where i would be using PAT?  Allow data through Protocol TCP   Source Port 1:65535  Destination port  (What does it mean by destination port?  When will this be different?)

  • You should read a bit more of firewall basics and ports/services in general.

    When you forward a port from your public IP via NAT and open the port in the firewall the destination system becomes completely responsible for the packets. So first of all the NAS has to handle the incoming packets now. And the docker apps or webservers behave like you configured it. Only the specific port that is targeted will trigger a docker app or webserver. The same port cannot be used twice for different services. If a webserver runs on port 80 it can deliver multiple websites, but then the url gives the decision, which site has to be served.

    A firewall can only do 2 things: open a port or not. It cannot decide because of URLs, it can only let a connection through or it can block it. If you need this functionalty you will have to go for the webserver protection if you do not trust the security of your NAS.

    PAT is the same as NAT, but for ports. With NAT you translate an IP (typically a public IP) to a local IP, normally the external port will be the same as the internal port, e.g. port 443. With PAT you can translate one port to another, e.g. externally reachable is <publicIP:8765> which points to <internalIP:80>. You can configure things like <externalIP:80> points to <internalsystem1:80>, <externalIP:81> points to <internalsystem2:80> and so on.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner

  • A very good explanation

    Thank you


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • Thanks for the explanation   So from the looks of it, I need PAT.  I am required to open ports from outside, but want it to go through different port number on the server inside.  

  • No you don‘t.

    You have all of your docker apps (webservers) locally running on different ports as you said initially. But they are all running on the same local IP/server.

    For this scenario NAT alone is all you need. You create a NAT rule for each port/webserver you want to be reachable from the internet using the same port as you use to connect via LAN. You CAN use PAT in this scenario to ‚hide‘ your locally used ports from the internet but the minimal gain in ‚security‘ (in my opinion it is zero) is not worth raising the complexity for your firewall rules.

    You only really need PAT when all of your apps would run on the same port, but different local IPs. In most conditions you only have 1 public IP and there, each port can only be used once/for one service. So if you wanted to expose two apps/services that locally both use 8080 you could only publish one of them in the internet with port 8080. For the other app/service you would have to use another port on the internet, e.g. 8081, locally it would stay the same. There you would need PORT (i hate the ‚ADRESS‘ here) TRANSLATION.

    When your app needs more than one port open you simply create another NAT rule without touching the port. If your app locally does react to 8080 and 8088 then create two NAT rules, one for 8080 and one for 8088.

    If your app locally does not listen on a specific port it would make no sense creating a NAT rule for that port.

    As I said above, with NAT (AND PAT) the destination system becomes responsible for the connection. If there is a security problem with the app/service you expose to the internet the firewall alone can‘t protect it. So I would recommend two things: install all security updates/patches for your apps and don‘t do that only once, do it regularly.

    Second thing: use IPS in the firewall rule (WAN to LAN for example) as this can protect you against known security problems. But don’t only rely on it. It is an additional security layer to properly patched systems.

    And my last two cents: if you do not really know what you are doing leave it better to someone who does. We have already too much botnet zombies out there.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner