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Hardware Limitations In Home version

Is it possible to get the hardware limitations removed for the home version?  Or have they been removed in V18?

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  • It would depend on the task in-hand, but comparing desktop PC's with firewalls is not really the same, although you would specify both to do the job in hand, for example you would put in a really decent graphics card if the end user was editing video, working on photos most of the time - also the lifecycle of a PC is about 5 years, and software is 3 years in general.

    With a firewall, you can specify this dependent on your networking requirements, the throughput of the home version, for a standard user, or even a power user at home is more than sufficient for the task it's designed to do?

    More to the point, if you're specifying this in Azure, would you put in the fastest, most expensive costing machine just....because?

    Why would you have a machine that's capable of delivering 40Gb connection from the internet, when at the moment the fastest home is about 1Gb?  Just think about the cost of all that wattage with the CPU and RAM costs...if a machine is using 100w, that's going to cost 38p a day (16p/kwh) / £11.78 per month - so wouldn't it make more sense to put in a CPU with 4-cores and lower the RAM budget to half that?

    One day it may get to that performance, but by then I can guarantee you that the hardware you're using now, will be in a landfill.

    Tim Grantham

    Enterprise Architect & Business owner

  • I'm currently testing Untangle, which I have paid the $50 license for, but I expect I'll be switching back to Sophos XG Home edition.  I agree with Tim's comments TBH and I'm currently running it on an Atom quad core PC, 4GB Intel NICs with 4GB that I paid circa £200 for.

    I do like pfsense, both are a good product, but I'd still use Sophos XG home.

    My only wish is that applying the home product to an appliance was supported.  


    What is guaranteed is that Untangle, Sophos XG or pfsense is better than the Unifi UDM-Pro junk.

  • Let us go back a little time in history, Astaro used to charge home users  $50 annual fee, but decided the administration cost was too high so changed the UTM to a maximum of 50 IP addresses not including interfaces.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • You seem to fail to understand, there is no limitation on CPU performance, jus the number of real cores.

    As BLS has pointed out most home user hardware is way more powerful that the top of the range Sophos hardware.

    The recommendation for home users is 4 real CPU cores running as fast as you can. I7s are a waste of money and generate too much heat, you need CPUs that do not have extra features like a maths co-processor which adds no performance value.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Hi Mike,

    you can apply the home licence to the Sophos hardware, takes a little bit of doing and I even think there are KBAs on the subject and there are plenty of threads in these forums.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Hi,

    That is most definitely a home version, you can enable App control in a standard home version, but you do not benefit from it eg no reports but the wider XG user community does because the XG provides data into the central App server.

    You can have as many users as you like until you run out of memory, there is no limitation on users. Now if I wasn't using clienteles users there wouldn't be any value, but still have the same number.

    I hadn't noticed the heartbeat, just tried and I can add source HB to a rule, but I can't add heartbeat to a endpoint device so no real value.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • I’m not arguing it’s overkill, but I just don’t want the hardware limited.  There’s 16gb of memory.  The only thing I can think of is this is built on a 32bit version and they don’t have a 64bit version available.

  • Hi Michael,

    I run a 6gb system and use all of that memory, to go above 4gb (3.8) you need a 64 bit system. My system uses 3.5gb of the available memory. Now in v17 you will find most home users with 6gb were running about 75% memory utilisation which has been fine tuned in v18.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Hi Ian,


    I have read, but you have to use various disk tools (gparted and such) etc. Which I'm more than happy to do etc.  I was mulling an XG105- XG135 appliance at one point (used) but being on a UK ADSL connection, utterly pointless.

    I was running an i3 6100T/32GB RAM with a 4 port Intel NIC with pfsense and no probs at all, it's now running ESXi 6.7 atm.  It lacks cores for me to turn it into the Sophos XG box.


    Find the UI on my Atom system a bit slugish, hence why I may consider an update.

    IF / WHEN 1Gbit internet arrives in our area I'd happily review specs again.  




  • 75% is horrible.  If you had more available memory it wouldn't be pushing the limit like that.  I just don't get it.  Do they not have a 64-bit system available?