Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Hardware Limitations In Home version

Is it possible to get the hardware limitations removed for the home version?  Or have they been removed in V18?

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  • Hi,

    to give you an idea of resource usage here is screenshot of my home XG.



    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  •   That is not a home version you have heartbeat enabled and app control :P (and 41 concurrent users)

    On the other hand I consider that for home, more CPU cores would be needed, you can easily max out 4 cores in a 500Mbps line with the IPS (Snort) and the Advanced Threat enable, considering that there is an important fine tunning of the IPS rules.

    You can easily consume that bandwith in a normal home when someone is downloading something and in many countries 1Gbps is avaible already and I can assume that SophosXG with 4 cores will have problems to work fine at high bandwidth load.

  • That is not a home version you have heartbeat enabled and app control :P (and 41 concurrent users)

    When you connect your XG Home to Sophos Central It automatically enables app control and heartbeat.


    On the other hand I consider that for home, more CPU cores would be needed, you can easily max out 4 cores in a 500Mbps line with the IPS (Snort) and the Advanced Threat enable, considering that there is an important fine tunning of the IPS rules.

    4 Cores is much more than enough for a Home User; The problem here are, people are using really old CPU's or CPU's that are too weak for pretty much anything in today standards, I'm talking about old Intel Atom's and AMD Athlon X2, those kinds of CPU.

    If you get any new CPU, even those $60 USD such as G5400 or 3000GE, you will be able to get Gigabit speeds without any issue. Not only 1Gigabit/s of IPS, but also with SSL/TLS Inspection and AV.


    Also the only tuning on IPS that you should be doing is changing from ac-bfna to hyperscan. After this change you will see almost no difference on performance while selecting all IPS signatures or just a few of them.



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    Ryzen 5600U + I226-V (KVM) v20 MR1 @ Home

    XG 115w Rev.3 8GB RAM v19.5 MR3 @ Travel Firewall

  • That is not a home version you have heartbeat enabled and app control :P (and 41 concurrent users)

    When you connect your XG Home to Sophos Central It automatically enables app control and heartbeat.


    On the other hand I consider that for home, more CPU cores would be needed, you can easily max out 4 cores in a 500Mbps line with the IPS (Snort) and the Advanced Threat enable, considering that there is an important fine tunning of the IPS rules.

    4 Cores is much more than enough for a Home User; The problem here are, people are using really old CPU's or CPU's that are too weak for pretty much anything in today standards, I'm talking about old Intel Atom's and AMD Athlon X2, those kinds of CPU.

    If you get any new CPU, even those $60 USD such as G5400 or 3000GE, you will be able to get Gigabit speeds without any issue. Not only 1Gigabit/s of IPS, but also with SSL/TLS Inspection and AV.


    Also the only tuning on IPS that you should be doing is changing from ac-bfna to hyperscan. After this change you will see almost no difference on performance while selecting all IPS signatures or just a few of them.



    If a post solves your question use the 'Verify Answer' button.

    Ryzen 5600U + I226-V (KVM) v20 MR1 @ Home

    XG 115w Rev.3 8GB RAM v19.5 MR3 @ Travel Firewall

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