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Port forwarding within network- LAN to LAN (forward to docker app mapped port)

Hi.  I am using docker apps, inside Unraid NAS.  I set up a Nextcloud container (docker).  To be able to use it from outside, I created a DNAT rule so that from outside, I can access Nextcloud app.  It is working.  Nextcloud uses port 80 and port 443.  These ports are used by my Unraid NAS.  I mapped incoming http to port 380 of docker app, and incoming https to port 643 of docker app.  So far, so good.

DNAT rule

Source- WAN. Allowed client network- ANY

Destination- WAN port  Services- HTTP and another rule HTTPS

Protected Servers-  NAS IP  Mapped port- 380 and another port 643 for HTTPS

Protected zone- LAN


From inside the network, I can't access Nextcloud app

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Parents Reply
  • I used another device to access the and it presented my my NAS (device hosting the Nextcloud docker) 192.168.1.xx

    It didn't go to 192.168.1.xx:whatever_port_i'M_using.  While from the outside, whenever I access automatically routes to 192.168.1.xx:port.  But this can be addressed later.  

    The container is using LetsEncrypt, so I don't use Sophos CA as I don't know how to.  I'm just following video tutorials I've seen :D
