Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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LDAP Authentication (authorization Failed)

Hi all and good morning.

Hope to write in the right section.

I owning a XG210 Cluster and I'm trying to set up the authentication against an LDAP Server; the LDAP works fine because I've dozens of server that using it; the firewall, instead, refuse to authenticate.

Or better, from access_server.log I see the authentication phase works and the credentials are correctly validated; the process stucks on the authorization phase, where I receive the error:

ERROR Mar 11 09:11:56 [4141828736]: handle_pam_authorization: VPN/SSLVPN/MYACC Authorization Failed, result_code=1

Any idea on anything to check?


Thanks in advance,


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  • You could put the access_server into Debug: service access_server:debug -ds nosync 

    Then perform your test and use the same command to disable the Debug Mode (will log much data).

    Take a look at the access_server and try to verify the issue. 


    My experience could be: VPN not selected the correct AD server. AD Server is denying the request, XG cannot use the selected AD Server, User is not in Group of the VPN permitted users. 


  • Hi Lucar,


    thanks for the nice trick.

    I use LDAP to authenticate administrators, but I didn't create the local user.

    I created it with a fake password and now I can join the device with LDAP credentials.


    Thanks a lot,


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