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XG v18 Home version on XG135 port1 is mapped to hardware port 5

Just installed Xg v18 Home version (software appliance) on XG135 HW appliance. Found out that Web interface on Port1 is mapped to hardware port5 and WAN Port2 is mapped to hardware port 6.

If I reconfigure WAN to Port8 and insert then WAN cable on hardware port4 (or on hardware port1) the link layer is not connected, so it seems like all ports are shifted upwards 4 times?

What can I do to fix this?

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  • Erik,

    you cannot fix in anyway. This is a normal behaviour when you install XG home on XG HW appliance.

    There is no way to change the nic order.


  • Okay. So I can only use four nics? The first four are unavailable?

  • That's strange.

    On Home License, there should be no restriction for number of nics.

    So, if you run the following command from advanced shell, what do you get?

    psql -U nobody -d corporate -c "select * from tblinterface"


  • Results is as follows

     interface | enabled | linktype | mtu  | mss  | interface_speed |    overridemac    | zoneid | parentinterface | memberof |  name   
     GuestAP   |       0 |       21 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx |      7 |                 |          | GuestAP
     Port3     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port3
     Port5     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port5
     Port6     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port6
     Port7     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port7
     Port9     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port9
     Port1     |       0 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |      1 |                 |          | Port1
     Port2     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port2
     Port4     |       0 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |      2 |                 |          | Port4
     Port8     |       1 |        0 | 1500 | 1460 | auto            |                   |        |                 |          | Port8
    (10 rows)

    Port1 and Port4 are disabled for any reason.
    Is it possible to find out nic order from this?

    Port1 = Nic#4
    Port4 = Nic#8

  • Ok. So Port3 is the first port, Port5 is the second and so on.

    I do not know why some ports are disabled. You do not see them inside the UI interface, do you?

  • Please post a screenshot of your current Interface Webadmin.

    If the postgres Database sees those interface, they should be reflected in the Webadmin as well.

    But the NICs could be mixed Up. 


  • Erik,

    you can use all ports from 1 to 8. You cannot rearrange them in order since it is a home version.


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