Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Need help setting up a Hub and spoke environment with HA or Redundancy and an additional BGP connection to a separate WAN

Dear Experts,


I humbly seek your assistance on setting up a network.

It is a unique setup that has been done in the past with Cisco devices... I would like to introduce Sophos devices but want to ensure I can provide all required features.

I have tried to create a diagram to show what is required... we also need the following requirements covered:

Networking Hardware

  • BGP compatible
  • hub and spoke
  • Redundancy/HA
  • Scale to 60 sites (spokes)
  • Client to server connections from tabs and laptops


My Question is, do you think I can achieve this same setup with Sophos devices?Network Layout.pdf


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  • Thanks a lot @Iferrara I appreciate the links.


    I have gone through both KB's and can deduce the sophos devices can run the BGP protocol and run VPN connectivity.

    I was just wondering if anyone has a similar setup in production and if there are any issues I should be aware of... particularly around throughput and speed.

    Lastly, Is is possible to run another hub as a failover and have all the spokes point to it as well in the case of the first failing?

  • Seun,

    I am not sure if you can achieve this by creating failover group for IPSec.

    I never tried to have failover group for hub and spoke.

    If you can try, please let the community know.


  • Iferrara,


    I'm not sure this KB answers my question.. Let me ask it in different way.


    Is it possible to have 2 VPN connections on a sophos device (spoke). If the answer is yes, then that should answer my question I think..  If there is always an existing tunnel, clients should be able to always reach the targeted resources... correct me if I'm wrong please.