Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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What changes can be made to SSL VPN policies without forcing re-download?

What changes can be made to SSL VPN policies that don't require re-download?

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  • FormerMember
    +1 FormerMember

    Hi John Woodall,

    SSL VPN policy and SSL VPN settings are global and any configuration changes to this requires new configuration. You can add new policy member that does not require configuration re-download for existing users.

    In some situations not all the users requires new configuration, for example, if there are two groups in policy member Developers and Administrators and if you add new network under permitted network resources and only group "Developers" requires access to this new network than only Developer group members needs to re-download the configuration. Administrator group that does not require access to the new network should still be able to connect to the allowed networks that were added before they downloaded the configuration. 


  • This doesn't actually address the question.


    I don't mean 'new configuration' - I mean, forcing the re-download of a new config.

    For instance, changing the DNS servers does not require a re-download of the config - only reconnecting.

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