Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Dual wan link aggregation to head office


Ive got an office with 2 VDSL connections offering about 50Mbps/20Mbps that are currently being used as an active/backup line however i would like to combine and anggregate the two links to give a combined internet speed of 100Mbps/40Mbps.

I have a second Sophos XG in the datacenter with around 1Gbps/1Gbpswith multiple IPs/interfaces


I was wandering what the feasibility of the following would be:


                             /---       LocalXG -> RED1/VPN1 ->LOCAL ISP1 -> Remote ISP(x.y.z.10) -\
LAN -> LAG         -                                                                                                                             ------LAG -> LAN
                             \ ---      LocalXG -> RED2/VPN2 ->LOCAL ISP2 -> Remote ISP(x.y.z.20) -/



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  • Hi  

    You may use both the ISPs by configuring a Load-Balance mode (which will still allow connection from one ISP if the other ISP fails). I'm not sure what you want to achieve here, as your bandwidth on Local Site would be still limited with the ISP1+ISP2 connection bandwidth. If you would provide more details, maybe it can give us a better understanding of what you want to achieve.



  • Hi  

    The end goal is to have the aggregated speed of both connections to the internet. Not just as an active/backup or active/active load balance.


    What other details would you like?


