Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Port 500 failing PCI Scan.

So I have a Cyberoam CR25iNG that has been upgraded to SFOS for a while now. As of the past month I am failing the PCI scan on port 500. I have 4 VPNs setup. They are all from specific IPs to specific IPs, No dynamic IPs involved. So, the rule is tight there. I have setup specific rules to send port 500 traffic into lala land. Doesn't work. I have setup rules to block\deny port 500 traffic. Doesn't work. The Gateway type is set to Respond Only.  I have tried everything I could find in a Google search. Trustwave will not let me pass even if I dispute. Any assistance is appreciated.



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