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Losing DHCP Gateway

This problem started with 17.5.0 GA.  The firewall is handling DHCP for my lan.  Users have started to lose the default gateway(the Firewall) randomly throughout the day.  I have to either reset the switch or the desktop network adapter in order to regain internet connectivity.  This does NOT happen to all users at the same time.

I updated to XG 115 SFOS 17.5.5 MR5 but the problem still exists.  This actually introduced another problem of not being able to access the gui from Sophos Central, but that's not as pressing.  Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.



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  • I have a multiple installation and could only observe this on my windows client and my linux client. Other Devices like mobile got all the time the Gateway / DNS Server.

    And this seems to be kinda rare in my cases. 


  • As I have no windows, “ have this issue on my apple tv, iPad, raspberry pi, iPhone, mac mini & macbook pro. I have set statice ip for my apple tv to fix the homekit.

    One more thing not related to this issue, i have installed on 3x sg all port mapped fine, but have port mapping issue on xg hardware.