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Can't access default IP address;!

Hello, I am very frustrated with this bull crap about this address! I have searched all over the web pertaining to this issue and no solutions have worked for me. I always get the error "Connection timed out". The hardware is a Dell Poweredge R310 with 8GB RAM, 4-Core Xeon processor and 200GB Storage. There ware two network ports and have tried hardlining into both of them while my PC IP was set to static I have tried almost everything possible... please help me!

P.S. I am using the Home Edition 

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  • Hi :)  

    I know the thread is old but I just had the same issue.  For me it was simply not putting https://  before the ip  

    I just typed the in the address bar and it did not work. as Chrome takes you to http and not https.  so make sure you put exactly "" in the address bar. Without the " ".  Your issue may be something else but that was mine :)


  • I spent days trying to figure out why I couldn't connect to webadmin (https:  I will save everyone time by not listing the million things i tried.... what worked for me was make sure that the DATE AND TIME IN BIOS IS CURRENT.  worked like a charm! 

  • The home edition is problematic in every step. I thought I can use my old PC as a firewall, but I wasted several hours on this.

    initially the keyboard was not detected, then network card, then password, then something else

    I would rather go for a hardware firewall. let me try XG 85, if it doesn't work, I will try with some other vendor.

    sorry to post this!!!

  • The home edition is problematic in every step. I thought I can use my old PC as a firewall, but I wasted several hours on this.

    initially the keyboard was not detected, then network card, then password, then something else

    I would rather go for a hardware firewall. let me try XG 85, if it doesn't work, I will try with some other vendor.

    sorry to post this!!!
