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Sophos XG API "encrypt" Authentication not working in API version 1701.1?

I am having issues authenticating to the API using the "encrypt" authentication method; however, I am able to get it to work with the "plain" method. Below is an example of the URL's that I'm using that both work, and don't work.

After exporting my credentials and getting the encrypted password from CSV, I noticed that the password appeared to have HTML encoded characters at the end, so that is why I tried both of the below (thinking that the encrypted password was actually encrypted then base64 encoded or something...). Neither of the below entries work: APIVersion="1701.1"><Login><Username>' + _myUser + '</Username><Password passwordform="encrypt">tGTB8Ih7pMLYT5HVrVXd0A%3D%3D</Password></Login></Request> APIVersion="1701.1"><Login><Username>' + _myUser + '</Username><Password passwordform="encrypt">tGTB8Ih7pMLYT5HVrVXd0A==</Password></Login></Request>
The below entry DOES successfully authenticate and work as expected though (and I have other API calls using the "plain" method where I am creating IP hosts, etc so I know I am gettin the XML correctly formatted), so I am not sure what I am doing wrong between the two: APIVersion="1701.1"><Login><Username>' + _myUser + '</Username><Password passwordform="plain">test1234</Password></Login></Request>
NOTE: I am using Python and the "requests" library to make these requests
I have checked the API documentation and it says that this should work but I just cannot seem to get it to authenticate properly for me.

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Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Thanks for letting me know. I've used the encrypted password from "System > Backup & firmware > Import export > Export" and can confirm it works.

    It would be nice if Sophos could tell us how to encrypt the password in code. i.e. is it Base64 encoded etc.


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