SURF 2.0 - A New Generation is Here!

The SURF Team is excited to announce the next major version of SURF.

This version was a project to bring in a lot of the feedback and suggestions that we received from the users. We went through each suggestion submitted and we appreciate everyone who took the time to send one in. SURF is a tool that is meant to make everyone's lives easier and the only way we can make sure it achieves that goal is to find out what people find difficult or frustrating about troubleshooting Sophos products or SURF itself. Please keep the suggestions coming!

Please access the new version here:

Now, without further ado, let's talk about the new features in SURF 2.0.0120.0:

New User Interface

  • A UI that aligns with the Endpoint Self Help tool style
    • The UI is built in a new modular method that will allow faster iteration of new elements
    • More robust UI performance
    • Dynamic sizing and scaling
  • Improved the data in the System Summary panel
  • Added dynamic UI rendering based on if the selected item is a SDU or CTR
    • No more seeing panels that don't matter

Performance Improvements

  • Updated and improved SDU/CTR rules processing
  • Optimized memory usage 
  • Optimized File I/O operations to reduce system load
  • Compacted the Database size

Usability Improvements

  • Added ability to have more than one SDU/CTR open at once
  • Added ability to rename SDU/CTRs for easy recognition
  • Added ability to mark Detections as:
    • Complete - issue resolved
    • Not Applicable - issue isn't part of the current case
    • Dismissed - user doesn't want to see this detection anymore
  • Added ability to sort and filter the Rules 
  • Added ability to filter the data in several of the panes
    • Applications
    • Services
  • Added an improved log searching interface
    • Allows several operators to provide granular searches
    • Saves previous searches in the same session

Knick-Knacks and Extras

  • Added ability to edit a comment - with an audit trail
  • Added ability to copy out any row to clipboard 
  • Added icons into the Network panel to easily identify the type of NIC

That's it for now. We here at the SURF team have a lot more improvements planned and we can't wait to get you 2.1 and beyond!

Watch the webinar on demand. 

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